One for my angel
You held my finger and taught me how to walk, At times I moved, at times I fell, You were always there to tell, As many times I might fall, The process of trying shall never stall. Later on you taught me how to run, Again I fell and hurt my knee, You always kept an eye on me, You bandaged my wounds to lessen my pain, So that I could get up and run again. The road of life has ups and downs, Together we'll cross the valleys and mounts, Because no hand is stronger than yours, Because no arms are longer than yours. I know when you scold me at my faults, Inside you too feel emotional jolts, Maybe at times I displease you, But you are the one I always look up to. Yes there are times when we disagree, Separated like two ends of sea, Together we'll make the ends meet, Whatever tough times we face, we'll beat. You are my sky, you are my ground, I feel secure when you are around, Dear Papa, my he...