
I was in love with her from my childhood, I think I have spent more than one forth of my life in her sweet company. She is so bold that she genrally comes me in night when I retire to bed. She is not even scared of my parents.Though I did not opposed her comming to me in night I warned her not to dare coming to me in day time. Unwillinlgly she agreed to saty away from me during day time and comes only in night.

As bad luck would have it, she forgets her promise and one fine morning she comes to my class and overpowred me . Our teacher noticed it, scolded me in front of my class and mates, asked me to leave her, "my lover". Ashamed at my own folly I begged sorry and slowly came out of the class with a firm decision in my mind not to give my life to her I went to canteen and placed order for a cup of tea.

she again tried to persude me but this time I succumb her wish, reluctantly she left, I felt great relived. In the night I retire to bed little early and kept waiting for her.but she turened up in me hours of the night , I requested her not leave me early in the morning she accepected very gladly. Next morning at 9 when my father did not see me, he entered my room. He lost his temper when he saw me on bed.  I felt sorry and aplogise to my dad and promise him that I would never repeat this mistake ..

So can you guess who she was..??

She wasnt someone in flesh that blood.....

She was my dear love  "SLEEP"


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